Educational Resources & Recommendations
These are very important resources that we have found extremely essential in transforming our body mind.
By Maxwell Maltz, M.D., F.I.C.S.
A great tool for finding, cultivating and improving our self-image and balancing our bodies neurochemistry and hormones.
Words Can Change Your Brain
By Andrew Newberg, M.D. and Mark Robert Waldman
This book is packed with tools and information that can optimize the ability to calm our body mind, reduce stress, normalize our hormones and improve our capacity to communicate.

The Gerson Therapy, The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses
By Charlotte Gerson and Morton Walker, D.P.M.
This book offers a starting point for the restoration of well-being for our body mind, packed with resources and easy to use information, facilitating our healing journey.
Jack LaLanne DVDs
10 Volume Collector's Package, plus FACE-A-TONICS
These 24 minute workouts will tone, sculpt, and shape your body in ways that are truly amazing, improve energy and burn fat while having fun.These are important resources that we have found essential in transforming our body mind.